Course: Customized Learning WCS Part 1

Course Approval PDF
Offering Code: EDU_LCS.1
Section: EDU539N.1
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Participate in Feb 14 session
Transition to Mastery- Based Grading Part 1 Pay particular attention to 3) Course/Content Progress and Feedback Loops | 00:00 – Music Intro00:29 – Opening Explanation01:24 – Importance of Learning Targets for Mastery Grading02:23 – Four Levels (Purposes) of Grading03:01 – 1) Progress Within a Learning Target03:22 – Feedback Loops04:25 – 2) Learning Target Mastery05:13 – Progress Scales vs Competency Scales05:33 – 3) Course/Content Progress (% of Targets)07:48 – 4) Course/Content Completion 08:23 – Summary09:18 – Music Outro | |
Transition to Mastery- Based Grading Part 2 | 00:00 – Music Intro00:29 – Misperceptions About Grading Systems03:19 – 1) Course/Content Progress05:17 – 2) Learning Target Mastery (Benjamin Bloom on Mastery)06:21 – 3) Progress Within a Learning Target (Feedback Loops)08:03 – 4) Course/Content Completion08:52 – How Can Students Demonstrate They Are Exemplary?10:02 – Can Most Learners Reach a High Bar of Mastery?11:50 – Standards-based Grading12:37 – Music Outro | |
Article and Podcast | 5 Conditions for Getting Formative Assessment Right | Below (bottom of this webpage) is a study guide of the podcast that I created using AI tools. Use it to follow along while listening to the podcast and see if you consider it accurate, or note if it missed important points. |
Interview | Power of Feedback | What does Hattie say about the difference between praise (positive feedback) vs feedback to help improve?What does Hattie say about the power of failure and it’s role in feedback?What is Hattie’s “best tip” for teachers? —Hint “Know Thy Impact” |
Article | Pretesting Consistently Works | How can pretests fit in to your feedback loop system? |
Articles | Single Point Rubrics 1 Single Point Rubrics 2 | What is his reasoning to move away from multi-point rubrics? How can this fit in a feedback loop system? |
Videos | Digital Bible Tools 1 Digital Bible Tools 2 | |
AI | Jumping In AI |

Mastery-based Grading Paper (2-3 pages)
How would you envision WCS utilizing a mastery-based grading system, and how would it look different from the standard-based and traditional grading currently utilized by WCS? How would teachers implement the 4 areas of grading and what would it look like: 1) progress for learning targets → 2) learning target mastery → 3) content area progress (semester) → 4) content area mastery. How do you define the level of rigor for mastery?
Feedback Loops Paper (3-4 pages)
Choose two learning targets for content you teach (they do not have to be from the same content area). Identify each learning target and the types of daily work, assignments, formative assessments, and feedback looks you would incorporate. Either within your writing or at the end of the paper, identify specifics you brought into these feedback loops from each of the articles/videos from the class:
Single Point Rubrics 1 and Single Point Rubrics 2
Choice Paper—choose one of the following (2-3 pages):
- Describe two AI tools you would use personally as a teacher and with learners. How would you incorporate the tools in your instructional planning and with learners? What would you do to avoid “hallucination” and incorrect answer problems with your learners?
- Describe how you would use digital Bible tools as a teacher and with learners. How would you incorporate the tools in your instructional planning and with learners? How would you use the tools to reach higher order thinking with learners?