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Personalized Framework
Develop a big-picture perspective of how to incorporate personalized and mastery-based learning
Instructional Planning/Practice
Explore 4 models of blended learning that provide a starting point to self-paced learning
Discover the impact of utilizing spaced practice strategies
SneakPeeks from Journey Feedback
Examine the motivational factor of feedback vs grades
Utilize an instructional strategy to minimize the negative impact of grades with instructional feedback
Explore ways to incorporate learner thinking into feedback
SneakPeeks from Journey Agency
Discover the importance of agency skills for successful personalized/customized environments
Explore the balance of teacher-driven vs student-driven work
Recognize the predominance of carrot-stick mentality in business and education systems and how it typically impacts intrinsic motivation in negative ways
If traditional methods for motivation are detrimental to intrinsic motivation, what are the three components that positively impact it?
Keeping Current (Digital Literacy)
Explore various resources to find research and resources for enriching your educational practice
Develop the skills to access journal databases for educational resources
Find educational articles that can meet a current need for your professional learning