Own My Learning
Journey Choice | Pace

View Course 1 of this set

View Course 2 of this set

What are these courses?

This strand is a set of courses from the Own My Learning (OML) 5-part series that focuses primarily on choice and pace:

  • Journey Preparation
  • Journey Choice | Pace
  • Journey Feedback | Evidence
  • Journey Agency | Culture
  • Journey Challenge | Collaboration | Authentic

Journey Choice | Pace (JChoice) is a group of one-credit courses. There is a prerequisite, Journey Preparation course, that is required before you pursue these JChoice courses.

Participants will learn about …

Logistics & Credits

This is a self-paced course (no common start or end time) and is two credits. If you decide to participate, you pay LCSymes & Associates to access the course. Those wishing for two graduate credits can apply to the University of Sioux Falls, which is a separate payment. Because this is a self-paced course, we recommend waiting until you are almost done to purchase the credit.

The strand is laid out in two courses (JChoiceC1 and JChoiceC2)–these course pages are the core of your navigation through the Activities, and Assignments, and Books:
Activities are the content for the course, usually a mix of videos, articles, and/or podcasts.
Assignments are often based on the content from the activities and the books.
Books are required reading for the course content.

While JChoiceC1 is a prerequisite to C2, you do not necessarily have to do them consecutively. For example, after you finish JChoice1 you may move on to one of the other strands, like Journey Feedback or Journey Agency before you come back to JChoiceC2.