What is this course?
This course is the introductory overview of the Own My Learning (OML) 5-part series referred to a Journeys:
This course, Journey Preparation, is a prerequisite to the other OML Journey courses.
Participants will learn about basic concepts of personalized/customized/blended learning and begin planning for implementation strategies in the classroom. This course introduces foundational concepts/tools necessary for all the courses, including learner agency and mindsets, Hattie Visible Learning research, and the Lindsay/Summit Instructional Look-Fors. We introduce current understanding of motivation theory and examine ways traditional education clashes with those concepts. Throughout the course participants will read books and articles, view videos, and listen to podcasts to develop a deeper understanding of personalized and mastery-based practices that support the three core principles or “nutrients” of intrinsic motivation: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
Logistics & Credits
This is a self-paced course (no common start or end time) and is two credits. If you decide to participate, you pay LCSymes & Associates to access the course. Those wishing for two graduate credits can apply to the University of Sioux Falls, which is a separate payment. Because this is a self-paced course, we recommend waiting until you are almost done to purchase the credit.
The course is laid out in two units (U1 and U2). These unit pages are the core of your navigation through the course. The unit pages lay out the Activities, and Assignments, and Books:
Activities are the content for the course, usually a mix of videos, articles, and/or podcasts.
Assignments are often based on the content from the activities.
Books are required reading for the course content.
How to be Successful in This Course
View these tips on effectively using this course.
You have two main alternatives when it comes to choices for books in this course. The first option is to read two books: the first unit has a choice of two books and unit two provides choice from a longer list of books provided. The second option is a larger, textbook-like book, Self Determination Theory (SDT), for those who want a deep dive into the research behind motivation; because of its depth, this option will count as two books. I suspect the SDT option may be the road less travelled, but do note there is a significant amount of support for getting through that material. Regardless of which option you choose, my videos on intrinsic motivation explain the core concepts we all need to better understand the basics of motivation.
Instructing /
Assessing Option
Unit 1
(Choose 1)
Unit 2
(Choose 1)
Giving Students a Say
Balance with Blended
Five Levers to Improve Learning
QI: Leveraging Collective Efficacy
Personalized Learning in a PLC
Architects of Deeper Learning
Tapping the Power of Personalized Learning
Embedded Formative Assessment
Visible Learning